Sunday, July 8, 2007

Seven Seven Seven

What a hot day! Nevertheless it was a productive day. We got the house cleaned (Noah and I) for no particular reason other than you could hardly walk from one room to the next without stepping on or over a toy or piece of misplaced furniture. It's as though the maid has taken a holiday. Wait a minute, I'm the maid and I did take a holiday. Josh has been off work and I haven't done any house work except laundry.

We went to 3 different stores hunting and foraging for our food for the next two weeks and now I've been working on preparing dinner for tonight, lunch for the carry-in cookout for our Sunday school class tomorrow and a meat loaf for dinner sometime in the coming week. I've had to do all of this because the cook is out sick. And in a few minutes, I'll have to bathe the children and prepare their clothes for church tomorrow because the nanny is also on holiday. (remind me to never let them all off at the same time again!)
For goodness sakes, I never realized how busy the common life is when you have to do everything for yourself. It is definitely not boring! I'm exhausted. I think I'm going to have my personal masseuse give me a mani/pedi tonight to reward my hard work.

So, what's new with you?

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