Sunday, July 15, 2007

Family Reunion

What a beautiful day . . .too good for words! I cannot remember the last time so many of us were all together in one place. Almost everyone was there today. There were only seven members who could not be there and we missed them, but we were still able to have a great visit. Tony, Laurie, Lee and Allie came the farthest . . . all the way from the Marshall Islands. Aaron came from Atlanta. The day was so wonderful, but the time went by much too quickly. Here's a quick look at the family.

Zack and a little friend

The girls teach Bronwen how to blow bubbles.

The Palicki boys: Paul, Tony, Aaron and Jason

Paul, Laurie & Tony and Brittani

Paul and his little angel, Kaitlyn

Noah and his little charge

Paul, Andrea and their baby Kaitlyn plus nieces, Allie and Ashley

Noah, Bronwen and Monica

Granma and Annabelle

Laurie and Allie

Girl talk

Jim's car and all the boys

Guests of honor: Laurie and Tony
(Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday Tony!)

cousins, the next generation: Bronwen, Chloe, Noah, Michaela and Madelyn

Bubby and Belle

Aaron and Brittani

Thanks for the pictures Britt, I snatched them from your album. I hope you don't mind, but I forgot my camera.

Andrea and little Kaitlyn

Aaron and Uncle Rich

Jeny and Christine

1 comment:

Brittani Renee said...

No problem... I captured as many before I left and then Mom took the rest throughout the day.