Thursday, May 15, 2008

I joy over you

I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth.  3 John 4

My child, My little one, My undershepherd, My dear friend: You are many things to Me, just as I am many things to you. My love for you is deep and tender. I know your desire to please Me, and I am happy that it is so. How can I tell you that though I desire holiness, and while I desire fruit in your life, still My love for you is not contingent upon anything you attain? My glory is involved in the way you live. Eternal destinies are involved in the matters of your holiness and your faithfulness and your obedience to My direction and will; but My love for you is independent of these factors
 I love you because you are My child. I love you because I am your Father. I love you with Calvary love. At a great price I redeemed you -- because I have always loved you. When I planned this, I foresaw you lost in sin; and I loved you, chose you, and set My heart upon you.
Rather than struggling to comprehend the working of My sovereignty, accept this and rejoice in it. Draw near to Me without spoiling the preciousness of our fellowship with shadows of self-condemnation.
You are Mine, and I joy over you. Discipline I reserve for the rebellious. The first step of repentance brings My mercy.

Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty,
At Calvary.    William R. Newell

Let the peace of God rule in your heart and mind, and be filled with thanksgiving.  
Come Away My Beloved

1 comment:

Carolina said...

wow! this was an amazing read! thanks for putting that up :)