Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Close to home

We're staying close to home this week as Potty Training has begun.

Annabelle is doing quite well telling me, "Mommy, quick quick!" and off we run to her wee throne. I prefer potty training on the normal size potty, but Annabelle's diminutive size made this a little daunting. 
I *love* this potty chair from Ikea. It's the perfect size, and very easy to keep clean: one piece, no cracks or crevices to worry about cleaning so it's very sanitary. And you can't beat the price, at $3.99 it's budget friendly. (It's also available in a variety of colors for the home decorators. Myself, I prefer white.)

With so much success, she's felt confident enough to sit on the big potty twice so the transition will be quick and easy. Of course the cheers from her big brother and sister who have gone before, are a big help.
The extra incentive that has worked like a charm with all three of my little ones? M&M minis! 
Sweet little rewards for their successes.

* edit 2/28
She now wants only the big potty. I guess $3.99 was worth the preliminary work and a week's use. Good thing it's so portable, it can be the emergency potty in the car.


Kristine said...

The fact that she told you that she needed to go while she was here last night is a good sign that Ms. Annabelle is going to be a big girl in no time.:) I now have a new item on the IKEA list for our next visit. Perfect for in the car for those "Can't make it" moments.

Jayme said...

Wow, I can't believe its that time for her already! Good job, little one! kisses from your auntie...

Beth said...

Yay!! How exciting :-)

Beth said...

I am so glad that you mentioned the mini M&M's! Izabella had been doing wonderfully potty training the last couple of months but she has been refusing the past couple of days. So, we have started bribing her with the mini M&M's and she's getting excited to go potty on the potty again! Thanks so much :-)