Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Head to head

Dec. 14
Whilst practicing with the lighting and focus on my newish lens, it seems I interrupted a tete-a-tete between these three friends.

Oliver: "Hi Butterfly. Hi Piglet."
Piglet: "Hi Oliver! How are you?"

Oliver: "I really don't like tummy time. You're looking really pretty Butterfly."
Butterfly just smiles. She's a little shy.

Oliver: "Ugh. Mama . . . a little help please . . . can't . . . lift . . . my . . . head . . . anymore . . ."
Oliver: "Is she still there piglet? She has the camera doesn't she."
Piglet: " You're doing great Oliver. You can do it!"

1 comment:

Jayme said...

That's my sister for ya. Too cute.