Friday, April 25, 2008

Where are you going?

This morning, Josh was getting his things together to leave for work and Bronwen was sitting at the table eating her breakfast and watching him. She asked, “Are you going to Heaven to live with Jesus?” 
Her Daddy replied, “Yes, we all are some day” (referring specifically to the members of our family). Not two seconds lapsed before she exclaimed, “Well I better finish my breakfast then!”

A minute later she thought, “But you don’t know where Heaven is.” And Daddy agreed, “We don’t know where Heaven is, but Jesus does and we’ll trust Him to get us there.”

Listening to their conversation, I was pleased to hear how eager my little three-year-old daughter was and how, at a moment's notice, she was ready for Jesus. I was sweetly reminded that this is how my life should be too, ready and excited to meet my Savior. I was reminded to live in such a way that the cares of this world, this “stuff” I’ve accumulated should not encumber me, should not tie me to this world. I should try to live in a state of mind where I am looking for His return. I don’t want to get too comfortable here, after all this world is not my home.

Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire you more than anything on earth. Psalm 73:25


jodyfoznot said...


What a sweet, powerful conversation! I love how children's minds work! And what a wonderful mother you are, raising your children to have such a "Destination: Heaven" type of faith.

He IS coming to take us home, and that soon! I'd better finish my "breakfast," too!

Love you!

Elizabeth said...

What a gift you are giving them, a deeper understanding that this life is not all there is.
I'm trying to release the "stuff" too! A combined spiritual/physical Spring cleaning!