Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday morning: finding solitude

"Now therefore listen to me, my children, for blessed are those who keep my ways." Proverbs 8:32

There is no blessing I would withhold from those who walk in obedience to Me - who follow when I call, who respond when I speak to them. Near to My heart and precious in My sight are those who have eyes to discern My prupose and ears that listen to My direction.

Do not be intent on great accomplishments. By what standards do you judge the importance of a matter? It was a relatively small thing that Hannah prayed for a son, but what great things I accomplished through Samuel! It may have seemed incidental that Simeon and Anna perceived the Christ child and prophesied over Him; but for Me it was an event worthy to be recorded in Holy Scripture and preserved forever (see Luke 2:25 -38).

No, you cannot ascertain the ways of God amid the pathways of men. You may feel the wind as I pass and yet see only the swirling dust. The earthly obscures the heavenly. Human voices drown out the voice of God. Only in solitude can you begin to sift away the chaff and come at last to the golden grains of truth.

The world will confuse you. Silence will speak more to you in a day than the world of voices can teach you in a lifetime. Find silence. Find solitude - and having discovered her riches, bind her to your heart. ~Come Away My Beloved

So today and this week I am seeking solitude so that I may listen and watch for God amidst the wind and my swirling dust.


jodyfoznot said...

Thanks for this, Jeny. My weary heart needed to hear these words today. I'm sure that God must have had you post them just for me.

You are precious to me, dearest friend.

ANGEL said...

Great post!

One of my favorite quotes ...

"Don't live your life so loud that you can't hear God's voice"
