Saturday, August 18, 2007


Continuing with the food theme, I made one of my favorites for lunch today. Turkey, cream cheese and granny smith apples on whole wheat. Ohhh, it's so good!
Then add plump, juicy blue berries on the side and snack on popcorn. Delicious!

On a slightly different note, I made dinner for Mandi and Keith et al last night and was privileged to meet little Eli Tate. He is absolutely perfect for all of his tininess. I wish I had thought to bring my camera, but I was just trying to make sure to get the meal to them while it was still hot. Mandi, you look just wonderful! God is so good. The time spent with your family last night was delicious too!

1 comment:

Christine said...

I've never tried turkey, cream cheese and apples. Sounds delicious! xoxo